A family that marches together...

It's not everyday the fam loads up our family truckster and rolls 1400 plus miles. But this past weekend, we did just that. Not only did we drive the more than 1,400 miles, we also walked many more during the life changing Women's March last weekend. I say life changing because being among hundreds of thousands of people unified in a cause is something I will never forget. The chants, signs, and sounds of a sea of passionate people was simply incredible. We kept talking about how it was the most polite crowd of protesters we had ever seen. When thinking about attending, concern for our little one's kept rising to the top. However, after experiencing it, I can safely safe I would do it again next weekend. Not sure my rear end would agree but you know what I mean.
Being able to attend the march and support such a worthy cause is what America is all about. Monica rocked her Rosie (Chingona) shirt while I rocked my Hamsa (love wins) shirt. And of course, we all had our "pussy" cat hats on!
I don't care what your politics are but I think I can safely say that standing up for what you believe in is something very special.
Fight on good people!