Springfield PrideFest
Springfield Pride Festival May 19, 2018

Our Modern Feminist Movement
Melinda Gates recently said what many of us know to be true, “It’s time for a new era of women” There have been moments in time when a...

So much inspiration...so little time
I'm not sure about you but there seems to be a mountain of inspiration these days. Granted they are the direct result of a historical...

Nevertheless, SHE persisted
We make it no secret that Monica Zanetti Designs is firmly a proud supporter of all things #resistance and Women's rights. Monica has...

Making use of the cold days
Monica makes it no secret that the cold is not her hommie! She has battled tough since moving to Chicago more than seven years ago. ...

How many bad shirts do you have?
Work in Corporate America? Buy a clever shirt from an online store? Get a shirt from an event or conference? If you answered yes to any...

A family that marches together...
It's not everyday the fam loads up our family truckster and rolls 1400 plus miles. But this past weekend, we did just that. Not only...

New Year...New Goals...New Designs
Monica Zanetti Designs looks at 2017

Not your Average Shirt...By Design
Okay...want a fun history lesson? When we started to talk about doing wearable art as an extension for Monica's business we knew things...