Baby it's cold outside

You know it's cold when you get a brain freeze and aren't enjoying a cold beverage! Thanks to some Arctic winds we are right where good old Frosty the Snow Man likes it! However, when it's time for Monica to brave the outdoors like she did over the Black Friday weekend. And is now aiming to do over the next TWO weekends at the Oakbrook Holiday Market it isn't ideal. But, you know what helps warm her heart? Seeing you! Our friends! She has an adorable little Chalet in the middle of the beautiful mall. She's even right next to Santa.
But you know what is really cool? Monica is mobile! She's been attending events from Roscoe Village to Evanston selling her merchandise at a variety of pop-ups. From magazine launches to private parties, Monica is hustling and wants to be sure that anyone who is looking for unique handmade gift gets one this Holiday Season. We ship too! And with plenty of time before the fat man in the red suit gets here, we'll be sure to get any order to your destination in time.
Of course, the sooner the better.
Happy Holidays!